
13 True Ways, p.29

13 Vaults currently only has information for 13th Age first edition only. Information on 13 Vaults may not reflect newer editions of the game.

A strategic and inspiring combatant who combines martial skill with leadership to aid allies and conquer foes.

Ability Scores

Commanders gain a +2 class bonus to Strength or Charisma, as long as it isn’t the same ability you increase with your +2 racial bonus.


Possible backgrounds include: historical re-enactor, sergeant of the city guard, street gang survivor, ex-gladiator, wilderness scout, cobbler, bouncer, exotic dancer, wargame veteran, squad leader, reformed drunk, and officer of the guard.


At 1st level, commanders start with a melee weapon or two, a ranged weapon, a shield, light armor of some type (or heavy armor if they chose the Armor Skills talent), and other minor odds-and-ends suggested by their backgrounds.

Gold Pieces

Commanders may start with either 25 gp or 1d6 x 10 gp.


Armor TypeBase ACAtk Penalty

Melee Weapons

Small1d4 dagger1d6 club
Light or Simple1d6 mace, shortsword1d8 spear
Heavy or Martial1d8 (-2 atk) longsword, warhammer1d10 (–2 atk) greatsword

Ranged Weapons

Small1d4 dagger, star1d4 hand crossbow
Light or Simple1d6 javelin1d6 light crossbow1d6 shortbow
Heavy or Martial1d8 (–2 atk) heavy crossbow1d8 (–2 atk) longbow

Level Progression

Commander LevelTotal Hit PointsTotal FeatsClass TalentsCommands & TacticsPool availableLevel-up AbilityDamage Bonus From Ability Score
Level 1(7 + CON mod) x 31 adventurer341st levelability modifier
Level 2(7 + CON mod) x 42 adventurer351st levelability modifier
Level 3(7 + CON mod) x 53 adventurer363rd levelability modifier
Level 4(7 + CON mod) x 64 adventurer373rd level+1 to 3 abilitiesability modifier
Level 5(7 + CON mod) x 84 adventurer; 1 champion475th level2 x ability modifier
Level 6(7 + CON mod) x 104 adventurer; 2 champion485th level2 x ability modifier
Level 7(7 + CON mod) x 124 adventurer; 3 champion487th level+1 to 3 abilities2 x ability modifier
Level 8(7 + CON mod) x 164 adventurer; 3 champion; 1 epic497th level3 x ability modifier
Level 9(7 + CON mod) x 204 adventurer; 3 champion; 2 epic499th level3 x ability modifier
Level 10(7 + CON mod) x 244 adventurer; 3 champion; 3 epic4109th level+1 to 3 abilities3 x ability modifier


Ability Bonus+2 Strength or Charisma (different from racial bonus)
InitiativeDex mod + Level
Armor Class (light armor)12 + middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis + Level
Physical Defense10 + middle mod of Str/Con/Dex + Level
Mental Defense12 + middle mod of Int/Wis/Cha + Level
Hit Points(7 + Con mod) x Level modifier (see level progression chart)
Recovery Dice(1d8 x Level) + Con mod
Backgrounds8 points, max 5 in any one background
Icon Relationships3 points (4 at 5th level; 5 at 8th level)
Talents3 (see level progression chart)
Feats1 per Level

Basic Attacks

Melee Attack

Basic Attack


Target: One enemy

Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage

Miss: Damage equal to your level

Ranged Attack

Basic Attack


Target: One enemy

Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage


Class Features

All commanders have class features associated with commands and tactics.

Commands allow you to help your allies fight better. You issue them as interrupt actions during their turn. To issue a command, the ally must be conscious, but line of sight isn’t required.

All commands are at-will powers, though they do cost command points, and are usually limited to once per round (as an interrupt). You start each battle with 1 command point and generally gain more via the two standard commander features: Fight from the Front and Weigh the Odds. Excess command points go away at the end of the battle.

Your powers also include tactics that have immediate effect during your turn. Tactics, as opposed to commands, don’t use command points. You also don’t have to wait around for an ally’s turn to use them. However, tactics don’t always recharge after a battle.

You can choose the commands and tactics you want to use. A 1st-level commander starts with a total of 4 commands and tactics. An effective commander should choose a good balance of commands and tactics.

Fight from the Front

Class Feature

When you hit with a commander melee attack during your turn, gain 1d3 command points.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    You now gain 1d4 command points when you hit with a melee attack during your turn instead of 1d3.

  • Champion Feat:

    When you make a melee attack during your turn and miss with a natural even roll, gain 1 command point.

  • Epic Feat:

    Twice per day when you hit with a melee attack, you can gain additional command points equal to double your Strength modifier.

Weigh the Odds

Class Feature

Standard action

Effect: Gain 1d4 command points.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    Once per day, add your Charisma modifier to the number of command points you gain when you use this action.

  • Champion Feat:

    Once per battle while the escalation die is 3+, you can gain 1d4 command points as a quick action.

  • Epic Feat:

    You now gain 1d6 command points instead of 1d4 when you use this action.


Choose three of the following class talents. You get an additional commander talent at 5th level.

Armor Skills


Unlike other commanders, you take no attack penalties for fighting in heavy armor. (As indicated on your class chart, your base AC in heavy armor is 14.)

  • Adventurer Feat:

    When an enemy misses you with a melee attack and rolls a natural 1 or 2, you gain 1 command point.

  • Champion Feat:

    Once per day as a free action when you are hit by an attack that targets AC, you can take half damage from that attack instead.

  • Epic Feat:

    Once per day as a free action, you can gain a bonus to AC equal to the current escalation die until the end of the battle. (The AC bonus increases or decreases as the escalation die increases or decreases.) This bonus can’t be higher than the number of icon relationship points you have with warrior or leader icons in your game.

Battle Captain


Once per battle when you have 2 or more command points left after giving a command, you can use another interrupt action on a different ally’s turn before the start of your next turn.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    You now only need to have 1 or more command points left instead of 2.

  • Champion Feat:

    You can use this talent twice per battle.

  • Epic Feat:

    You gain an additional command point at the start of each round while the escalation die is 4+.

Combat Maneuver


Choose a fighter maneuver of your level or lower. You can use it like a fighter. You can also switch it for a different maneuver each time you level up.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    You gain the adventurer feat for the maneuver you chose, if any.

  • Champion Feat:

    Choose a second fighter maneuver of your level or lower to use.

  • Epic Feat:

    You gain the adventurer and champion tier feats, if any, for both your fighter maneuvers.

Destined to Lead


When you roll a 5 or 6 on an icon relationship die, you gain 2 bonus command points that last until the end of the current game session, no matter what events occur due to the advantage gained with that icon.

When you use one or more of these bonus command points, tell a story about how something related to the icon (or icons!) comes into play to make you a better/luckier/destined commander.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    You now gain the 2 bonus command points when you roll a 4 with an icon relationship die as well.

  • Champion Feat:

    Once per session when you roll icon relationship dice, you can reroll one die that isn’t a 5 or a 6.

  • Epic Feat:

    When you roll icon relationship dice, for each 6 you get, you and each nearby ally gain a +1 bonus to death saves until the next full heal-up.

Forceful Command


When you give a command that lets an ally roll a d20 (an attack, a save, etc.), you can spend additional command points before the roll up to the escalation die value, or 1 point if the escalation die is still 0. That ally gains a +2 bonus to the roll for each point you spend this way.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    You begin each battle with 1 additional command point.

  • Champion Feat:

    Once per battle, you can use a command on a far away ally.

  • Epic Feat:

    Once per day when you use this talent to grant an ally a bonus to a d20 roll, you can also allow that ally to reroll that roll once as a free action.

Into the Fray


At the start of each battle before you and your allies roll initiative, roll a d4. A number of your allies equal to the roll gain the following benefit of your choice: a +4 bonus to initiative that battle; OR a +2 bonus to AC until the end of the first round.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    You also gain the chosen bonus.

  • Champion Feat:

    The +2 bonus to AC also applies to PD and MD.

  • Epic Feat:

    The chosen allies now gain both bonuses (+2 to all defenses for the first round and +4 to initiative this battle).

Martial Training


Unlike other commanders, you don’t take a –2 attack penalty when fighting with heavy or martial weapons.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    You gain 1 command point whenever you roll a natural 19 or 20 with a melee attack.

  • Champion Feat:

    Twice per day as a free action (once per turn), you can reroll one of your melee attack rolls.

  • Epic Feat:

    Twice per day as free action (once per turn) when you hit with a melee attack, you can deal 1d10 extra damage to the target for each positive or conflicted icon relationship point you have with warrior or leader icons in your game.

Moment of Glory


When you roll initiative, also roll a d4 and record the result. As a free action, you can add the result to a single attack roll made by one of your nearby allies later this battle. (It’s a free action, so you can add the result after seeing the roll.)

  • Adventurer Feat:

    You can also add the d4 result to a save or dicey-move roll made by an ally.

  • Champion Feat:

    Roll a d6 instead of a d4.

  • Epic Feat:

    In addition to the d6 you roll with initiative, roll a d4. You can also use that roll the same way, but not during the same turn you use the d6 result.

Never Say Die


Once per battle when an enemy scores a critical hit against you or a nearby ally, you can increase the escalation die by 1.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    Once per day, you can use this talent twice in the same battle.

  • Champion Feat:

    When you use this talent, the target of the critical hit can heal using a recovery.

  • Epic Feat:

    When you use this talent, you and each of your nearby allies gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.



You rely on planning, teamwork, and calm execution of orders as a commander instead of charismatic presence. Any time an element of the commander class refers to Charisma, you can replace that element with a reference to Intelligence.

In addition, you start every battle with 1 additional command point.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    You gain 1 additional point in a background related to military history, strategy, command, or warfare. You can use this background point to raise that background beyond the normal maximum of 5.

  • Champion Feat:

    When you roll a die to find out how many allies one of your commands or tactics targets, add +1 to the result.

  • Epic Feat:

    Once per day as a free action, you can gain a number of command points equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Sword of Victory


When your melee attack drops a non-mook enemy to 0 hp, or drops three or more mooks, you gain 1 command point.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    You only have to drop 2 or more mooks instead of 3 to gain the command point.

  • Champion Feat:

    You gain 2 command points instead of 1 when you drop a non-mook enemy to 0 hp.

  • Epic Feat:

    Once per day as a quick action, you can gain command points equal to the number of icon relationship points you have with the any one icon associated with battle or victory.



You rely on perception, intuition, and common sense as a commander instead of charismatic presence. Any time an element of the commander class refers to Charisma, you can replace that element with a reference to Wisdom.

In addition, one battle per day, you can reroll your initiative if you don’t like the first result. You must take the re-rolled result.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    You gain 1 additional point in a background related to military history, strategy, command, or warfare. You can use this background point to raise that background beyond the normal maximum of 5.

  • Champion Feat:

    Once per day after a battle, you can gain a bonus to all recharge rolls you make for your expended tactics equal to your Wisdom modifier.

  • Epic Feat:

    Once per day as a free action, you can choose a tactic you don’t normally possess and use it as if you did (you don’t get any feats associated with it).

1st Level Commands

Get Out of There!

Command 1

Interrupt action

Cost: 1 command point

Target: One nearby ally (on the ally’s turn)

Effect: The target can use a quick action this turn to pop free from one enemy.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    If you spend an additional command point, the target (or targets) can pop free from all enemies instead of only one enemy.

  • Champion Feat:

    If you spend an additional command point, you can now target one additional nearby ally with this command.

  • Epic Feat:

    When targets of this command are stuck, that condition ends on them.

Rally Now

Command 1

Interrupt action

Cost: 1 command point

Target: One nearby ally (on the ally’s turn)

Special: If you spend an additional command point on this command, you can target an unconscious ally with it.

Effect: The target can rally as a free action this turn. (If it’s their second or a subsequent rally, they still need to succeed on the save.)

  • Adventurer Feat:

    The target also adds hit points equal to your Charisma modifier to the recovery. (Double your Charisma modifier at 5th level; triple it at 8th level.)

  • Champion Feat:

    When the target has to roll a save to rally, you can grant them a +2 bonus to the roll as a free action after seeing it for each additional command point you spend on the command.

  • Epic Feat:

    The target of this command also gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of its next turn.

Save Now!

Command 1

Interrupt action

Cost: 1 command point

Target: One nearby ally (on the ally’s turn)

Effect: The target can roll a save against a save ends effect.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    For each additional 2 command points you spend when you make the command (before the save roll), the target can roll another d20 for the save, choosing the best result.

  • Champion Feat:

    If the save fails, you gain 1 command point.

  • Epic Feat:

    Whether or not the save succeeds, the target of your command heals hit points equal to 3d10 + triple your Charisma modifier.

Try Again

Command 1

Interrupt action

Cost: 2 command points

Target: One nearby ally that made an attack roll (on that ally’s turn)

Effect: The target can reroll the attack but must use the new result.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    If the escalation die is 3+, the target gains a bonus to the reroll equal to your Charisma modifier.

  • Champion Feat:

    If the rerolled attack scores a critical hit, you gain 1 command point.

  • Epic Feat:

    You can use this command before an ally makes an attack roll for 3 command points (instead of 2) for an entirely different effect: The target can make an additional basic attack this turn as a free action if the attack hits.

You Set Them Up, I Finish

Command 1

Interrupt action

Cost: 4 command points

Target: One nearby ally (on the ally’s turn) that hits an enemy you can see with an attack this turn

Effect: Add your Charisma modifier to the damage dealt by your ally (double your Charisma modifier at 5th level; triple it at 8th level). In addition, during your next turn, you gain a +2 attack bonus with melee attacks against the enemy that your ally hit.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    The target ally also gains the damage bonus with any other attacks it makes against the same enemy this turn.

  • Champion Feat:

    The command now costs 3 command points to use.

  • Epic Feat:

    Your attacks that benefit from the +2 attack bonus against that enemy also add triple your Charisma modifier to your damage on a hit.

1st Level Tactics

Basic Tactical Strike

Tactic 1

Quick action

Recharge 11+ after battle

Target: One nearby ally

Effect: The target can make a basic attack as a free action.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    On a hit, the attack gains a damage bonus equal to your Charisma modifier.

  • Champion Feat:

    The target gains an attack bonus equal to your Charisma modifier with that attack.

  • Epic Feat:

    The recharge roll is now 6+.

Enforce Clarity

Tactic 1

Quick action

Recharge 16+ after battle

Target: One nearby ally

Effect: One non-last gasp effect on the target ends (including effects that don’t require a save).

  • Adventurer Feat:

    The recharge roll is now 11+.

  • Champion Feat:

    You can now target one additional nearby ally with this tactic.

  • Epic Feat:

    The recharge roll is now 6+.

Just Stay Calm

Tactic 1

Quick action, when the escalation die is 2+

Recharge 16+ after battle

Effect: Decrease the escalation die by 1. Then 1d3 of your nearby allies can heal using a recovery.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    The tactic now affects 1d3 + 1 nearby allies.

  • Champion Feat:

    You can include yourself as one of the targets.

  • Epic Feat:

    When you use this tactic, you can spend an additional command point to avoid decreasing the escalation die.


Tactic 1

Quick action, once per round

Close-quarters attack


Limited Use: You can only use this tactic when you have 0 command points.

Target: The nearby enemy with the highest Mental Defense

Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD

Hit: You gain 1 command point.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    When you are engaged with one or more enemies, you can target the enemy with the highest MD you are engaged with instead of the nearest enemy.

  • Champion Feat:

    When you attack with this tactic and roll a natural even hit, you gain 2 command points instead of 1.

  • Epic Feat:

    Once per battle as a free action when you hit with this tactic, the target also takes 1d10 psychic damage for each point on the escalation die.

3rd Level Commands


Command 3

Interrupt action

Cost: 1 command point

Target: One nearby ally (on the ally’s turn)

Effect: As a standard action this turn, the target can both move and make a basic attack.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    If you spend an additional command point, the target can use a melee attack instead of a basic attack.

  • Champion Feat:

    The target gains a bonus to the melee attack it makes from this command equal to your Charisma modifier.

  • Epic Feat:

    This turn, if the target moves to attack an enemy you are also engaged with, that enemy is vulnerable to the attack.

Hit Harder

Command 3

Interrupt action

Cost: 1 command point

Target: One nearby ally who hits with an attack (on the ally’s turn)

Effect: The target can reroll any of the damage dice. They must accept the rerolled result.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    The target gains a bonus to the damage roll equal to your Charisma modifier (double your Charisma modifier at 5th level; triple it at 8th level).

  • Champion Feat:

    You can spend an additional command point (1 max) to add another damage die of the same type to the damage roll when you reroll damage dice. (You only roll the extra damage die once.)

  • Epic Feat:

    You can also use this command as a free action (instead of as an interrupt action) when an ally hits with an opportunity attack.

You Are A Precious Snowflake!

Command 3

Interrupt action

Cost: 1 command point

Target: One nearby non-human ally using a once-per-battle racial power (on the ally’s turn)

Effect: Roll a d20. On a 11+, the target doesn’t expend the use of its racial power and can use it again later this battle.

3rd Level Tactics

Finish This!

Tactic 3

Quick action, when the escalation die is 4+

Recharge 16+ after battle

Limited Use: You can only use this tactic when one enemy is left in the battle.

Effect: You can spend between 1 and 3 command points. The crit range of your allies’ attacks against the remaining enemy expands by the number of command points you spent. This effect lasts until the end of the battle or until the enemy scores two critical hits.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    You can now use this tactic when the escalation die is 3+.

  • Champion Feat:

    You can now use this tactic when one or two enemies are left in the battle.

  • Epic Feat:

    You can now spend between 1 and 5 command points on the effect.


Tactic 3

Quick action

Recharge 16+ after battle

Targets: You and 1d3 nearby allies

Effect: Each target can take a move action as a free action, starting with you and proceeding in the order of your choice.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    Disengage checks made using this free action gain a +5 bonus.

  • Champion Feat:

    The recharge roll is now 11+.

  • Epic Feat:

    Each target can also make a basic attack as a free action after taking the move action.


Tactic 3

Free action, when the escalation die is 4+

Recharge 16+ after battle

Effect: You can make a basic melee attack as a quick action once each turn until the end of the battle.

You can’t gain command points from your Fight from the Front class feature using swordwork attacks.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    You can now use this tactic when the escalation die is 3+.

  • Champion Feat:

    You can now gain command points from your Fight from the Front class feature using swordwork attacks.

  • Epic Feat:

    The recharge roll is now 11+.

5th Level Commands

Hit ’Em From Here!

Command 5

Interrupt action

Cost: 1 command point

Target: One nearby ally (on the ally’s turn)

Effect: This turn, the target ally can target one far away enemy with a power, spell, or attack that normally only targets or affects nearby enemies.

  • Champion Feat:

    The target can now be a far away ally.

  • Epic Feat:

    The target ally’s power, spell, or attack can now target multiple far away creatures (if it can target multiple creatures normally).

Strike Here!

Command 5

Interrupt action

Cost: 4 command points

Target: One ally engaged with an enemy you are engaged with (on the ally’s turn)

Effect: The target can take an extra standard action this turn.

  • Champion Feat:

    This command costs 3 command points instead of 4.

  • Epic Feat:

    If the extra standard action is an attack, the crit range of that attack expands by an amount equal to the escalation die.

We’ve Got Your Back!

Command 5

Interrupt action

Cost: 1 command point

Target: One nearby confused, dazed, or weakened ally (at the start of the ally’s turn)

Effect: Roll a d20. On a 11+, the target ignores the effects of one of those conditions (confused, dazed, weakened) this turn. On a 16+, the condition ends instead.

  • Champion Feat:

    After the first time in a round you use this command as an interrupt action, you can use it as a free action until the start of your next turn if you have the command points for the cost. You can still only use the command once per ally’s turn.

  • Epic Feat:

    Add hampered and stunned to the list of conditions the effect includes.

5th Level Tactics

Advanced Tactical Strike

Tactic 5

Quick action

Recharge 16+ after battle

Target: One nearby ally

Effect: The target can make an at-will attack as a free action.

  • Champion Feat:

    The first time you use this tactic each battle, make a recharge roll for it at the start of your next turn, adding the escalation die to the roll. The recharge roll after the battle, if any, doesn’t gain a bonus from the escalation die.

  • Epic Feat:

    The recharge roll is now 11+.

Buck Up!

Tactic 5

Quick action

Recharge 16+ after battle

Targets: You and 1d4 nearby allies

Effect: Each target gains temporary hit points equal to the average number of hit points it gains when it heals using a recovery.

  • Champion Feat:

    Add twice your Charisma modifier to the temporary hit points each target gains.

  • Epic Feat:

    One of the targets can also heal using a recovery.

7th Level Commands

Chain of Commands

Command 7

Free action

Cost: 1 command point

Target: You

Effect: The next interrupt action you use to make a command doesn’t prevent you from using another interrupt action later in the round.

You Know What to Do!

Command 7

Interrupt action

Cost: 4 command points

Target: One nearby ally (on that ally’s turn)

Effect: The target can take an extra standard action this turn.

  • Champion Feat:

    This command costs 3 command points instead of 4.

  • Epic Feat:

    The target also gains temporary hit points equal to 3d10 + triple your Charisma modifier.

7th Level Tactics

Climactic Battle

Tactic 7

Quick action

Recharge 16+ after battle

Effect: Until the end of the battle, the escalation die becomes a d8 instead of a d6. Then roll a d20. If you roll 11+, increase the escalation die by 1.

  • Champion Feat:

    If the d20 roll is 16+, increase the escalation die by 2 instead of 1.

  • Epic Feat:

    When the escalation die reaches 8, you gain 1d6 command points and can make recharge rolls for all your tactics.

On Your Feet, Maggots!

Tactic 7

Quick action

Recharge 16+ after battle

Targets: Up to two allies who are staggered or at 0 hit points or below.

Effect: The target can heal using two recoveries but is dazed until the end of its next turn.

  • Champion Feat:

    If the escalation die is 3+, there is no dazed effect.

  • Epic Feat:

    This tactic now targets up to 1d4 + 1 allies.

Saving Will

Tactic 7

Quick action

Recharge 16+ after battle

Target: One nearby ally

Effect: The target gains a +5 bonus to all saves until the end of your next turn.

  • Champion Feat:

    This tactic can now be used as a free action.

  • Epic Feat:

    You can now target a far away ally.

9th Level Commands

Natural Command

Command 9

Interrupt action

Cost: 2 command points

Target: One nearby ally (on the ally’s turn)

Effect: Count a natural odd roll the target rolls as natural even, or count a natural even roll the target rolls as natural odd (without actually changing the numerical result).

  • Epic Feat:

    This command costs 1 command point instead of 2 while the escalation die is 3+.

You’ll Die When I Tell You to Die!

Command 9

Interrupt action

Cost: Your remaining command points

Target: One nearby ally about to roll a death save (on the ally’s turn)

Effect: The target gains a +2 bonus to the death save for each command point spent on this command.

  • Epic Feat:

    If the target succeeds on its death save, it can take its turn normally as if it rolled a natural 20.

9th Level Tactics

Force a Conclusion

Tactic 9

Free action

Recharge 16+ after battle

Effect: If the escalation die is 2+, roll the escalation die and use the new result.

  • Epic Feat:

    You gain command points equal to the newly rolled escalation die value.

Now, Not Later

Tactic 9

Free action

Recharge 16+ after battle

Target: One nearby ally using a recharge power

Effect: The target can make a recharge roll for that power immediately after using the power. (If the recharge roll fails, the target can still make a recharge roll for it after the battle.)

  • Epic Feat:

    The target gains a bonus to the recharge roll equal to your Charisma modifier.

Supreme Tactical Strike

Tactic 9

Quick action

Recharge 16+ after battle

Target: One nearby ally

Effect: The target can make a standard action attack as a free action.

  • Epic Feat:

    If the attack hits, it’s a critical hit.