Dark Elf

13th Age, p.66

13 Vaults currently only has information for 13th Age first edition only. Information on 13 Vaults may not reflect newer editions of the game.

An agile and quick-witted elven folk known for their mastery of swords.

Racial Bonus

+2 Dex or +2 Cha

Racial Powers


Racial Power

Once per battle, deal ongoing damage to a target you hit with a natural even attack roll as a free action. The ongoing damage equals 5 times your level. (For example, at 3rd level you would deal 15 ongoing damage against a single target.) As usual, a normal save (11+) ends the damage.

A critical hit doesn’t double this ongoing damage.

  • Adventurer Feat:

    Once per day, you can instead use cruel to deal 5 ongoing damage per level against an enemy you miss or that you roll a natural odd attack against.

Racial Feats

Heritage of the Sword (Elf)

Racial Feat

  • Adventurer Feat:

    If you can already use swords that deal d6 and d8 damage without attack penalties, you gain a +2 damage bonus with them. (This bonus doesn’t increase miss damage.) Otherwise, if your class would ordinarily have an attack penalty with such swords, you can now use them without penalties.